ancient magics from before the dawn of time. a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters. the souls of the hungry damned. the souls of the darned, which feel a mite peckish. generous support from viewers who look like you. caffeine. dinosaurs, because they make everything cooler. door-opening velociraptors. a wish from a genie gone horribly wrong. a monkey's paw. a triaxilated, inverse tachyon field. the Borg. huddled masses, yearning to breathe free. like, you know, whatever. electricity, duh. science! warm, fuzzy feelings. sheer force of will. a lone hamster on a mournful-sounding, squeaky wheel. despair. cake; lots of cake. inevitability. manifest destiny. many flailing limbs. Oh, what a hypnotic display! hydrogen fusion, indirectly. the hopes and dreams of children everywhere. money; lots of burning money. coal; it's what's for dinner. a random number generator on its last leg. telekinesis. aggravation. elvish magic. Christmas magic. an attenuated matter/antimatter reaction. one ring to rule them all. an artificial singularity. the screaming madness within. ancient Egyptian algebra. secrets. lies. secrets and lies. secrets and lies -- but especially lies. a mortgaged future. the slow decline of civilization. smug superiority. Smaug's superiority. broken promises. broken promises and forgotten dreams. flying monkeys. poppies! Poppies will make them sleep... Crunchy Cola™. It's the crunchiest!™ chocolate. sleep deprivation. the Force™. The kind that doesn't need midi-chlorians. indigestion. illegal ostrich races. -- huh. It was actually unplugged all this time. quantum entanglement. Maxwell's demon. politics. alien technology. terrestrial technology. a spoonful of sugar. pure ego. a repetitive tune that just WON'T get out of my head! a secret that only fire can tell. the slow decline of Hollywood. Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart! probably nothing. probably nothing. Well, nothing exciting, anyway. forgetfulness. sour grapes. sour grapes. You know, ethanol. a blind date gone horribly wrong. a blind date gone horribly right. creeping terror. infamy. radiation. smooches. hugs and kisses. spoilers. a healthy respect for tradition. you know those guitars that are like, double guitars? chocolate microscopes. nothing else. justice. gold. doomsday prophecies. global warming. arrogance. Eldritch horrors. Dark magic. hiccoughs. hiccups. Poseidon, god of storms. unjustifiable optimism. time travel. tea. Earl Grey, hot. pure logic. superstitious ghosts. ennui. clowns. quiet desperation. unconstrained glee. -- aaah! Spiders! fancy pants. a rich inner fantasy life. I see what you did there. urban legends. snakes. Why did it have to be snakes? famous last words. rock and roll. -- ewww. What is that? rich creamery butter. macro-scale quantum mechanics. mutants. tIgolB, ikiWmP yb derewoP fairy dust. explosions. a sneaking suspicion that it's all a dream. eye of newt. is anyone still reading these? stardust. cold, hard cash. the smell of success. only the finest ingredients. -- how appropriate. You fight like a cow. awesome-sauce. frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. woodchucks who would chuck wood. dinosaur ghost extract. The same kind that powers cars. the number nine. fantastic PR. enthusiastic marketing. nostalgia. the Big Bang. an ancient clockwork mechanism. the heart of a god. the heart of a god. Well -- a love letter from a god. raptors. Clever girl.