A numbered list of titles.
(:if false:) [[#numberTitle]] (:template defaults order=title:) (:template each:) # [[{=$FullName}|+]] [[#numberTitleEnd]] (:ifend:) (:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#numberTitle count=5:) |
A horizontal list of page titles, separated by pipes
(:if false:) [[#horizTitlePipe]] (:template defaults order=title:) (:template !first:) | (:template each:) [[{=$FullName}|+]] [[#horizTitlePipeEnd]] (:ifend:) (:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#horizTitlePipe count=5:) |
A horizontal list of page titles, separated by bullets
(:if false:) [[#horizTitleBullet]] (:template defaults order=title:) (:template !first:) • (:template each:) [[{=$FullName}|+]] [[#horizTitleBulletEnd]] (:ifend:) (:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#horizTitleBullet count=5:) |
A horizontal, bulleted list of groups.
[[#horizGroupBullet]] (:template first {=$Group}:) [[{=$Group}/]] (:template last {=$Group}:) (:if ! equal {>$Group} "":)•(:ifend:) [[#horizGroupBulletEnd]]